Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn...

“All you need is love.” So say John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Love is that universal thing that binds humanity to itself. Most people would do anything for love. In a society today filled with corruption and dishonesty and war and hatred, love is, to many, the one thing worth crying, fighting, and dying for. Love is the crunch of freshly fallen leaves on a crisp autumn morning and the way it feels when your feet warm under the covers on a cold winter’s night. Love is the way the wetness of a first kiss seems to linger on your lips forever. But, all of that said, as one poet once wrote:

don't think love is just
a hug and a smile,
a good fuck and duty,
a phase and a poem.
is none of these things solely
but all of these things plus.

To take things a step further, another poet writes:

Love never has to be defined.
I don’t know if you believe that.
I don’t think you do,
but it’s something you taught me.
I love you.
Does it matter how or why?
Love is hurt.
Love is happy.
Love is hurt.
Love is loyalty.
Love is hurt.
Love is a passenger seat
and a handshake goodbye that means everything and nothing.
Love is hurt.

Each passage is worded in such a way that the reality of love radiates to the audience. If a reader who has been in love doesn’t feel something after reading these words something must be wrong with them. These words are passion. They are true. They are honest. They are honest. They are honest. They are the representation of everything we have come to know and love and hate about love.


Now, what if you found out that one of these passages were written by a woman to her partner after having been denied the right to marry? What if you found out that one of the passages was written by a young man who was coming to terms with loving himself by coming to terms with loving his best friend?
These scenarios may or may not be accurate. The point stands. Love is love is love is love. “Love never has to be defined.” Love is not between a man and a woman. Love is not between a man and a man. Love is not between a woman and a woman. Anyone who has ever been in love knows that love knows no boundaries. Love knows no reigns. Love knows no limits. Love is no more a choice than homosexuality and homosexuality no more a choice than love.

Laws restricting the expression of homosexuality are inevitably restricting love. However, laws banning the expression of love might be especially apropos in the current global atmosphere of “nucular” threats and wars for oil. After all, why should our country promote love between two men when hate and gunfire between two men is so much more en vogue?

“Love is the fulfillment of law.” That’s not The Beatles; it’s the bible. The choice to be straight or gay or in love or out of love may not be ours. However, the decision to legislate on the ability of others to express how they love whoever they love is a choice that we do have. Love is everything. Love is nothing. Love is a natural and inalienable right that we are all born with. It is the first and final step in the pursuit of happiness our constitution guarantees every citizen of our country.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved.


1 comment:

hheartsonhold said...

agreed. I always believed tha tlove had to start within yourself. Kind of like, you have to love yourself before you can learn to love someone else. These "laws" and restrictions on our ability to love the things we love make us feel doubt in ourselves and the very things that complete us and bring us to that final step towards happiness just as you said. Fear has been instilled into love, not love into love. But as long as there are examples of courage and people saying no to fear and yes to embracing and, yes sometimes taking a chance, for love, then it will only spread and grow. keep writing. I love YOU. < - just so you know you'll always have it in me :-]